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Best Nipple Covers for Runners – 2022 Buyer’s Guide

nipple covers for Chafing when running

Last updated on January 31st, 2022 at 10:52 am

If you are an athlete, then you know that nipple chafing when running is not fun -it gets quite painful at times, and it may distract you from performing your best.

A while back, most athletes used tape to prevent the irritation. But this isn’t the best options since it has its effects. To avoid nipple irritation when you are out and about you need good nipple covers for runners.

These covers will protect your nipples against the constant irritation caused by the constant rubbing of fabric on your chest. If you need some help choosing the best ones this guide should prove useful.

Are nipple covers really necessary when running?

If you run regularly, then you know that nipples often get irritated because of rubbing against your shirt. It may not be a big deal if you run once in a while since they will get time to heal. However, if you run on a daily basis, they will start chafing. This is why you need to protect yourself by using running nipple covers.

Nipple covers protect your nipple from coming in contact with the shirt and hence preventing chafing. Chafing can sometimes be so painful leading to bleeding nipples. A good nipple cover should enable you to run without having to worry about that.

If you have sensitive skin, nip covers are essential since your skin isn’t easily irritated. Some people have very salty sweat that causes even more irritation to the nipple. A nipple cover prevents all of this since it is waterproof enabling you to run without worries.

Top 5 nipple covers for running

NipEazeHypoallergenic, sweat-resistant
Living Jinsweat-resistant
Pro-Tec Athletics Liquicell sweat-resistant

1. NipEaze

Good nipple protectors for running need to be lightweight, water resistant and long lasting and that is what the NipEaze nip cover offers. They have an excellent adhesive that allows them to stay on for longer.

Therefore, it is perfect for long distant jogging or running. It is comfortable to wear and is designed to only cover the nipple up to the areola, so you don’t need to worry if you are hairy.



2. NipGuards

These are great nipple guards not only for runners but general sportsmen and women. They prevent any irritation by staying on for the duration that you need them. They are water resistant and can withstand any weather.

They are also lightweight and will stay on until you remove them.  Many athletes end up forgetting about them entirely.



3. NipStrips

If you are a long distance runner, then these are the nip covers that you need. They are the perfect size weight and material to take you through a 5k or more without any issues.

It is entirely grease free, so you won’t stain your shirt and will not get wet due to sweat. They are also very discreet so no one will know when you have them on if anything you will also completely forget about them. They stay on for miles and not even the running or weather will make them move.



4. LIVING JIN Nipple Tape for Runners

These are disposable men’s pasties that look like round nipple band-aids. They are quite lightweight with an excellent adhesive that ensures that they stay on for as long as possible. They are also perfect for everyday use since they are thin and are not noticeable in light clothing.

The adhesive gel is hypoallergenic to ensure that you won’t have any problems if you have sensitive nips. They are breathable and can stay on for miles since it is difficult to make them wet enough to fall off.



5. Pro-Tec Athletics Liquicell Nipple Protectors

It uses a unique liquid technology to protect from chafing and irritation. It is designed to withstand lots of sweat and hot sunny days without moving an inch.

They are lightweight and comfortable so you can wear the nipple covers for an extended period without having to worry about anything. The size fits most people well, and it doesn’t require you to shave so that it can stick correctly and for long.




How to choose the right nipple cover for runners

Some of the things that should guide you when selecting the best nipple covers to include:


Most nipple covers for running are usually non-reusable, so they need to have excellent adhesive to keep them on. It should withstand the weather conditions and not slide off when running.

Water/ Sweat Resistant

It needs to be something that you can wear without worrying about sweating. Sweat may make it fall off so the cover has to be waterproof so that it can last longer.


It should not affect your skin in any way. That means that the adhesive used and material of the pasties should be sensitive skin friendly.

It may not seem like a big problem but nipple chafing is a severe issue for runners. That is why it is essential to protect your nips using nipple covers. Make sure to choose one that works with your skin and how far you run for adequate nipple protection.

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