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Do Nipple Shields Affect Milk Supply?

do nipple shields affect milk supply

Normally, breastfeeding should be a breeze. A baby should latch on as soon as you place it next to the nipple. This isn’t always the case. Some babies need help suckling. One of the many devices you can use to make things easier for your baby is a nipple shield.

Nipple shields are soft silicone or rubber nipple covers that go over your nipple and areola. The shield has a small opening at the tip that allows milk to flow from your breast, through the shield and on to the baby.

Do They Affect Milk Supply?

Since a nipple shield is one extra barrier between your baby and the real thing (your nipple) it might affect milk flow especially if you choose the wrong one. If you use your shield incorrectly, the baby will get less milk and you will be at risk of getting mastitis and plugged ducts.

So, does the baby get more milk with or without a nipple shield? Well. The milk flow can be slightly impeded even under the best use case scenarios. You might not notice if you use a good nipple shield and the benefits outweigh the cons.

Avoid nipple shields if your baby breastfeeds naturally without them.

Who Needs a Nipple Shield

Nipple shields are only useful under specific circumstances. Here are some of the reasons why you should buy and start using a breastfeeding nipple cover.

If Your Baby Has Latch On Issues

The shield can help newborns with latching problems latch better since it gives an optimized breastfeeding surface area to the baby.

Babies Born Prematurely

Premature babies might have trouble suckling from short or thick nipples. A nipple cover with a long slender tip is easier to keep in the baby’s mouth. It will make breastfeeding a breeze.

If You Have Sore Nipples

Sore nipples can make you shun breastfeeding. If you have cracked nipples or the breastfeeding experience is unbearable to you, adding a good nipple shield can protect you hence increasing your chances of producing more milk for your little angel.

Retracted, Flat or Inverted Nipples

A nipple cover can draw out small retracted or flat nipples making it easier for the baby to latch on and keep suckling for long enough.

If you are in any of the above scenarios, using good nipple shields will make breastfeeding a breeze and ensure your baby gets more breast milk without straining too much.

Nipple Shield Pros and Cons

The biggest advantage of using nipple shields is they can make breastfeeding possible or more bearable to the mother especially if you have the above problems and all other viable solutions have failed to yield results.

If you have sensitive nipples, you can keep breastfeeding for longer without the pain getting to you.


How Do You Stop Using a Nipple Shield?

Babies can get used to, even obsessed with, the nipple shield. You can also experience some weaning off nipple shield pain on your side. Since stopping using the shield sooner than later is better, here are some things to make the process better.

Weaning off your baby involves trying to make him or her latch more often without the nipple shield. You will need constant practice to make this work.

How Can I Get My Baby to Latch Without a Nipple Shield?

You can help your baby latch without a nipple shield by making breastfeeding as favorable as possible. Here are some things you can do to help:

Nipple shields are a great way to keep your baby well fed if he or she has latching issues. However, you should always aspire to stop using the nipple shield as soon as possible and let your bay suckle naturally. It is safer and frankly better for both of you.


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