How Do You Get A Stuck Eyelash Out Of Your Eye

How Do You Get A Stuck Eyelash Out Of Your Eye?

If you have ever had an eyelash stuck in your eye, then you understand the urgent desire to rid your eye of the tiny prickly hair. That feels like you have all the sand from the Sahara in your eye. While you may have successfully removed it, chances are you may have ended up with a severely inflamed bloodshot red eye.

There are easier ways to get a stuck eyelash out of your eye.  They will also not leave your eye looking like it just got stung by a bee. And will take minimal effort.

Do Eyelashes Dissolve In Your Eyes?

No, they do not. Sooner or later, you have to remove it. In some cases, eye movement may cause the lash to move to the eyelids and ultimately fall out of the eye, but this is very rare.

Check this too: How To Fix Eyelash Extensions That Are Too Long

How Long Can An Eyelash Stay In Your Eye?

It is possible to get an eyelash stuck in your eye for days. This is common if you bent a healthy eyelash when applying makeup. These are normally strong and won’t come loose no matter how often you blink. The sooner you remove the stuck lash the better.

How To Remove A Stuck Eyelash From Your Eye

Start by using pure distilled water to flush out the eyelash form your eye. You can repeat the process a few times to dislodge the eyelash. If this does not work, you can move on to extreme rinsing where you dip your face in distilled water with open eyes to try and remove the eyelash.

Another option would be to use a saline solution in the form of eye drops to rinse out your eye. Blink to help push out the eyelash. You can also use your finger to remove the eyelash. Make sure your hands are clean before proceeding to use them. You can also use a Q-tip in place of your fingers. Be gentle to prevent injuring your eyeball.

Try to push the eyelash to your eyeball’s exterior. To remove the eyelash out from the corner of your eye. Dip the Q-tip in water to prevent fluff from being left in your eye. You can also sleep with the eyelash and let your eye remove it by itself as it self-cleans in the night. You can also use your eyelid to fish out the eyelash. This works if the eyelash is neat, the top part of the eyeball.