Why do guys have longer eyelashes

Why do guys have longer eyelashes?

Last updated on August 11th, 2020 at 11:50 am

Have you ever looked at a guy’s eyelashes and wished you could switch and give them yours for his? This happens to a lot of women on a regular basis. The reason being most men tend to have longer eyelashes than women.

While it is possible to make your lashes grow perhaps knowing why men have longer lashes could help you figure out how to tend to your own lashes in the pursuit of the perfect eyelashes.

So Why Do Guys Have Longer Eyelashes?


In general, men tend to be hairier than women this is due to the level of testosterone hormones in their systems. This, in turn, leads them to automatically have longer lashes than women who most often than not tend to be less hairy if not also most hairless on most body parts.

There is also the fact that women tend to have far thinner hair thus making their eyelashes appear to be shorter.


Women manipulate their lashes a tad too much as compared to men. Using mascara on a regular level as well as applying false lashes constantly can cause your lashes to break. Or weaken due to the glue used. As a result, you end up having far shorter lashes than most of your male friends.

Here is a guide on how to get longer lashes naturally. It is no surprise it emphasizes on letting them be and skipping on makeup or fake lashes unless absolutely necessary.


According to a study conducted in 2015, eyelashes tend to be a third of your eye’s width. This means if you have a smaller eye which happened to be the case in most women, then you will definitely have shorter eyelashes. Men on the other hand end to have larger eyes which is why guys have better eyelashes.

The question why do boys have longer eyelashes? has been raised almost as many times as other beauty issues. But in most cases, the appearance is just an illusion.

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