diy nursing pads

DIY nursing pads: How to make nursing pads at home

Last updated on July 27th, 2021 at 11:24 am

With your baby coming soon or is already here there are several things you will need in surplus. One essential item that you can easily forget is nursing pads. They are a must-have since they help in absorbing that extra milk, so you don’t walk around with a wet nipple area. There are so many nursing pads in the market, but a lot of them may be disappointing for one reason or the other. The good news is that you can make DIY nursing pads at home so you can have some extra ones or even for exclusive use.

How to make DIY nursing pads

One thing that the homemade nursing pads should be is super absorbent. If they take a while to absorb the milk, then you will likely have some accidents. They also need to be washable and durable; otherwise, there won’t be any sense of making them. The following are the requirements for your DIY nursing pads:

  • You need an absorbent material, and the best part is you don’t have to buy it. So if you have some old fleece or sweatshirt for the inner layer that works fine. If you are buying, then you need not too stretchy fleece, microfiber terry and wool backing for the inner side.
  • Something round for tracing about four inches diameter.

Step 1: If you are using newly bought fabric, then you should first wash it since it will likely shrink. Take the material and use your round object to trace the shape around it. Do this on all the fabric that you will use for your makeshift nursing pads.

Step 2: Next take your scissors or cutter and cut leaving about one cm from your tracing. You can either cut in circles or squares, whichever is more comfortable for you. Do this for all the fabric that you will use.

Step 3: next is to layer up, and this depends on how thick you want the pads to be. Take the bottom layer place it with the side you want facing outward. Next place the absorbent microfiber terry or sweatshirt material then finish with the top fleece.

Step 4: Pin the layers together, so they don’t move while you sew them together. It is best to use three to make a triangular shape. Next, you want to sew with the top fleece material facing up. A serger works best as it holds it down nicely while cutting the excess fabric. If you don’t have a serger you can cut off the excess material then you can make a zigzag stitch.

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The most important part about making nursing pads is using the correct material that is to use the best fabric for DIY nursing pads which holds quite a bit of fluid. Don’t be discouraged if they don’t turn out perfectly the first time since it takes a bit of practice. Having some homemade nursing pads is excellent in case you run out of nursing pads, and you don’t want to have to buy more so give it a try.