When can I sleep without a bra after breast augmentation

When can I sleep without a bra after breast augmentation?

Last updated on January 22nd, 2020 at 08:36 am

Your doctor must have advised you to always sleep in a compression bra after your breast augmentation. It is not the most comfortable feeling since there is just something about letting loose and sleeping freely.

It is crucial that you always sleep in the best bra after breast augmentation at least until your incisions have healed. This will take at least six weeks or more depending on the procedure you had so it is best to consult your doctor on the same.

Why should you sleep in a bra after breast augmentation?

The following are reasons why you should sleep in a bra after a boob job:

  • Prevents movement: While healing your breasts should not move around since this will affect their shape as well as the incisions.
  • Reduces soreness: You will likely be sore even after a couple of days after the surgery. The movement in bed will probably irritate the incisions causing them to become irritated and not heal properly.
  • Allows the implants to set: It is vital that your implants correctly set before you have the freedom that you crave.

Always keep your compression bra, also known as implant stabilization bra, after breast augmentation on 24/7 for the first six weeks after the breast augmentation. It offers you the much-needed support and the healing process will be fast and easy. Wearing a bra protects your incisions so they are not irritated and it keeps the shape of your implants.

Check this also: Best sports bra for augmented breasts

When can I sleep without a bra after breast augmentation?

After six weeks are over you are free to wear a bra to bed or not. During this period you may also transition to wearing other types of bras as long as they are soft on your breasts. If you are uncertain, then call up your plastic surgeon and get clarification.

It is also essential that you sleep in the correct position that is on your back during the healing time. Sleeping on your side or tummy compresses your breasts. This affects how well the implants set; hence it may affect the shape and outcome of your surgery.

Read this also: Best Bras for Augmented Breasts

To answer the question of should I wear a bra to bed after breast augmentation, the answer is yes. Wearing a sleep bra is actually good for you even if you have natural boobs. If you need to continue wearing the bra after six weeks, your doctor will explain why.