How To Shower With Eyelash Extensions

How To Shower With Eyelash Extensions

At the end of every beauty procedure, you usually get a set of instructions to follow for the procedure to be a success. In the case of a chemical peel, you are not supposed to get in a sauna or get in a sweaty situation. The same case applies to Botox, microdermabrasion, micro-needling, and so forth.

When it comes to eyelash extensions, the main dos and don’ts revolve around getting the false lashes wet as well as makeup removal. This brings us to this article’s focus; how to shower with eyelash extensions.

Can I Shower With Eyelash Extensions?

Yes, you can. But you have to go about it cautiously. It involves a lot of maneuvering to ensure your eyelash extensions do not get wet as you shampoo your hair or lather soap on your body.

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To be on the safe side, do not take a shower for the first 24-48 hours. This is to allow the adhesive used to bond with your natural lashes. You can opt to take a bath instead, as this will enable you to avoid water reaching your face unless you bathe like an Olympic swimmer.

You can also use eyelash goggles for extra protection especially if you like standing under the shower and don’t fancy a bath.

What Happens If I Get My Eyelash Extensions Wet?

You can dry them as you would your hair with a hair blow dryer at its lowest heat setting. This should get them relatively dry without melting the adhesive used to attach them. Hold the hairdryer at least 8 inches from your face. Use your index finger to bend your lashes upwards gently. This will help retain the eyelash extensions’ attractive curve.

Tips For Showering With Eyelash Extensions

Invest in high-quality shower goggles for eyelash extensions. This will help to keep them dry as you take a shower. If you do not wish to wear goggles, avoid getting your face wet as you shower. Wash your face before or after the shower. Use cotton pads or Q-tips to remove eye makeup to prevent wetting the eyelash extensions.

Use oil-free makeup remover to avoid weakening the glue used to attach the extensions. Use specialized eyelash extension shampoo to clean our eyelash extensions. Follow the directions given. Do not rub your eyelashes as you wash them to avoid breaking the adhesive bond.

Tilt your head backward as you shampoo your hair to prevent water from running down your face. Dry your hair as soon as you are done for the same reason. Avoid incredibly steamy showers as the steam will loosen the eyelash extensions glue. Pat the eyelashes dry after your shower to dry them if exposure to water is limited.

Check this too: How To Wash Your Face With Eyelash Extensions