How to sleep with eyelash extensions

How to sleep with eyelash extensions

Sleeping with eyelash extensions for the first time might feel unnatural. On one hand, you need to ensure they stay on and do not fall off, and on the other hand, you need to be comfortable enough that you can sleep in them. The latter is a sort of acquired taste.

You have to get used to the feeling of closing your eyes with eyelash extension. With regards to preserving them for longevity, keep reading. Here are some tips to help you learn how to how to sleep with eyelash extensions.

Check this too if you want to learn how to shower or wash your face with eyelash extensions.

Can You Sleep With Lashes On?

Yes. You can. The trick is to figure out how to be comfortable enough to sleep with false lashes; while not crushing them or causing them to fall off for them to keep looking fresh and staying intact for a longer time.

The most commonly offered advice for ensuring that your eyelash extensions stay in check is to sleep on your back. This was you do not crush them, which may cause them to become distended, get tangled, or come off. But this cannot work for everyone.

Once you have bent eyelashes from sleeping as you toss and turn, it is impossible to make them look good again. If you must sleep on your side, place your head at the end of the pillow to allow you eyelashes to be free from pillow contact.

Also, look into getting a satin or silk pillowcase. Since these fabrics are soft, they will not damage your eyelash extensions. Another option would be to get a contoured sleeping mask with room for eyelash extensions. It should be padded like a push-up bra. The cup-shaped eye spaces will protect your eyelash extensions as you sleep.

Check this too: How Long Does It Take For Eyelashes To Grow Back?

As you go to bed, go easy on the eye cream as most of them contain oils that may loosen the adhesive used to attach the eyelash extensions. You can also look into getting lash pillows. The increased popularity of eyelash extensions has led to the development of saving my lash extensions pillows that are memory foam-based, making it easy for you to sleep with your false lashes. You can also use a high-quality memory foam pillow.